Saturday, July 6, 2013

Le Quatre Juillet!!

Listen to this when you read my blog :)
I bought the movie "Midnight In Paris" from iTunes at the recommendation of my host family.  I've seen it once before but it is so cool to watch it again and be able to recognize where the events in the film are taking place!  I watch it every morning while I get ready for the day haha it really gets me in the Paris mood.
But anyways, i's the 4th of July! And Paris is certainly celebrating America's birthday.  So of course we had to join in the fun!... even though we had 8:30 am class the next day.  Yes that's right I am one of the unlucky few who are assigned to 8:30 am class 5 days a week.  Seeing as how I slept through my 4pm class at Michigan last semester, this is going to be interesting.  And the class is at The Sorbonne, so it is really difficult!  We have it for two hours each day, then on Fridays we have an extra hour of Phonetics, where they make us practice our French accents while speaking.  So yeah that is not fun, but I am determined to make the best of the situation!  And take a nap every afternoon.  So after our first day of class, my friend who is in the same class as me and I went to the cutest place at the Jardin du Luxembourg called Angelina's.  Apparently they have the best hot chocolate in the world so we had to try! And it did not disappoint.  
Then for our site visit, we went to the Chateau de Vincennes, which is an old hunting lodge on the perimeter of Paris.  It really was beautiful!  But it didn't have any furniture in it, which I think would have been much cooler than "oh yeah the bed used to go over there!"
Then after a nap, around 11 I met up with my friends at my favorite hangout bar so far called "The Wall" for pre-drinks.  It was super crowded!  So I just kept yelling "Le Quatre Juillet!" (The 4th of July)  There was American music playing and the bartenders were loving it!  They ended up giving us many rounds of free drinks, and they even took some of them with us!  It was so much fun.  Then we went to this club called Duplex, where we (ironically) went to an American themed party.  There were a lot of Americans there, as well as the French.  They were giving out American flags and it was such a good time, and a great way to celebrate the 4th abroad.
Then the next day, I did something that I am a little embarrassed to admit... I went to McDonalds!  Which I learned is actually really different from McDonalds in the US.  They have the "McBaguette" and this little packet of sauce made for French fries that they give out.  Also, the French really take their time... I waited in line for a half hour for my food!  Then later that day, my friends and I met up at an absinthe bar where of course we had to try the absinthe.  SO they give you the green drink then light this little sugar cube on top of it on fire!  Then you dump it in and drink.  Absinthe has a serious burn! 
Then we spent the rest of the night drinking wine along the banks of the Seine.  What a picturesque way to end the night!
The next day we spent shopping... for literally the whole entire day!  We went to Laduree and bought the macarons which were delicious!  You get to pick a pretty little box and then choose what flavors you want to go into the box.  Then while walking around we saw a carnival and just happened to catch the CUTEST thing, this little Parisian boy saw the rides and at the top of his lungs screamed "OOH LA LA!!!" It was just adorable.  Then we did more shopping at Zara, the little souvenir shops in Montmartre, and also we went and window shopped in all the expensive stores such as Chanel and Dior.  I was really tempted to fall in Dior like Carrie Bradshaw and have my friend take a picture, but I didn't think they would appreciate that.

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